We are a non-profit community founded in 2022 with a high esteem for vintage film scanners. We collect knowledge, software and people from all over the globe for saving old devices. We are doing this for several reasons. One of them is sustainability, well knowing these
devices are great achievements of engineering. Probably scanner like these will never be built again.
On another note, there are still companies and small businesses offering service and parts for high end scanners, who would be happy to welcome new customers. We would also like to give the growing community of “retro scanners” a unified platform for finding everything they need to get their scanners going.

Please join our community!

The orphaned cloud contains abandoned software and documentation for orphaned scanners as well as literature, OS images and drivers for adapters. For down- and uploading you must join the Facebook group. By using this service please consider to donate to keep this service alive.

database icon

The orphaned archive is a database of the Yahoo Hi-End Scan group. It contains all topics from the years 2000-2019. You can search it by clicking on the icon above. This service is free of charge.

Companies that still offer service or sell spare parts and software are often hard to find. We are collecting trustful recommendations by personal experience.